Thursday, March 27, 2025


It's sometimes difficult to select the name for a newborn baby boy or girl to help him/her stand out from the crowd. Some parents love to name their baby based on name's meaning, popularity, uniqueness, or country of origin. For others may pick one based on the name of a celebrity, a sport-star, a scientist, even a historic figure.

Many new moms or dads consider name meanings to be an important factor when choosing a baby name. For some may like strong, beautiful, sweet, blessing or watery name.

Here, I compile a list of words or names whose meanings reference "somethings" as bellow.

Names with Meanings (Started A): Adore, Ancient, Angel, Arrow, Aspiration and Attractive.

Names with Meanings (Started B): Battle, Bear, Beauty / Beautiful, Behold, Belief, Belove, Black, Blessing, Blond, Blue, Bold, Brave and Brilliant.

Names with Meanings (Started C): Calm, Celebrate, Celestial, Cheerful, Child, Christ, Clear, Cloud, Comfort, Compassionate, Conquer, Create and Crown.

Names with Meanings (Started D): Dedicate, Delight, Descent, Desire, Destiny, Diamond, Divine, Dove and Dream.

Names with Meanings (Started E): Earth, Elegant, Enjoy and Eyes.

Names with Meanings (Started F): Faith, Falcon, Fame, Famous, Farmer, Father, Fearless, Field, First, Flame, Flower, Forest, Fortune, Fragrant/Fragrance, Free, Friend, Fruit and Full.

Names with Meanings (Started G): Generous, Gentle, Gerald, Giant, Gift, Girl, Give, Glorious, Glory, Glow, Goat, God/Goddess, Gold/Golden, Good, Grace / Graceful, Great, Grow, Guard/Guardian and Guide.

Names with Meanings (Started H): Hair, Hand/Handsome, Happy/Happiness, Hard, Hazel, Heart, Heaven, Help, Hero, High, Hill, Holly, Home, Honor, Honour, Hope, Horizon, House and Hunter.

Names with Meanings (Started I): Illuminate, Immortal, Industrious, Innocent and Intelligent.

Names with Meanings (Started J): Jewel and Judge.

Names with Meanings (Started K): King and Knowledge.

Names with Meanings (Started L): Lady, Lamb, Land, Laugh, Laurel, Leader, Learn, Life, Light, Light, Lion, Little, Long, Lord, Lotus, Love, Luck and Luminous.

Names with Meanings (Started M): Mankind, Meadow, Mercy, Mighty, Miracle, Modest, Moon, Morning, Mountain and Musical.

Names with Meanings (Started N): Narrow, Near, New, Night and Noble.

Names with Meanings (Started O): Ocean and Olive.

Names with Meanings (Started P): Passion, Peace, Pearl, Perfect, Place, Plain, Point, Praise, Pray, Precious, Present, Pretty, Prince, Princess, Palm Tree , Paradise, Person, Poet, Prosper, Protect and Pure.

Names with Meanings (Started Q): Queen and Quick, Quiet.

Names with Meanings (Started P): Pain.

Names with Meanings (Started R): Radian, Raven, Ray, Rejoice, Respect, Rich, River, Rock, Rose and Ruler.

Names with Meanings (Started S): Sacred, Safe, Sage, Satisfy, Sea, Season, Servant, Shelter, Shine, Sight, Sight, Silver, Sky, Small, Smart, Smile, Soft, Soldier, Son, Song, Son of, Sorrow, Soul, Spark, Spears, Speech, Spirit, Stars, Stone, Strange, Strength, Strife, Strong, Success, Sun, Support, Supplant, Sweet and Sword.

Words with Meanings (Started T): Tall, Tender, Thankful, Time, Town, Travel, Treasure, Tree, Tribe, Trust, Trustworthy, Truth, Truthful, Tuesday and Twins.

Names with Meanings (Started U): Ultimate, Unique, Unity and Universe, Universal.

Names with Meanings (Started V): Valley, Victor, Vigilant, Village, Violet, Virgin /Purity , Virtuous, Visible and Voice.

Words or Names with Meanings (Started W): Walk, Wanderer, Warm, Warrior, Watch, Water, Wave, Wealthy, Whole, Wife, Wild, Willing, Willow, Wind, Wing, Winner, Wisdom, Wise, Wolf, Wonder, Wood, Work and Worship.

Names or words with meanings: Young, Tower and White.

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