Thursday, March 27, 2025

List of 1111 Baby Girl Names with 4 Letters Only

List of 1111 baby girl / female names that are 4 letters long. Find out these 4 characters names only, names origins and their meanings. These 1111 - 4 letters names are divided into 22 pages.

1. AADI: in Hindu, it means "Beginning / female."
2. ABBA: in African, it means "Born on Thursday / female."
3. ABBY: in Biblical, it means "God is Joy / female."
4. ABEY: in African, it means "Leaf / female."
5. ABHA: in Hindu, it means "Beautiful and Shimmering / female."
6. ABIE: in Biblical, it means "God is Joy / unisex."
7. ABIE: in Biblical, it means "God is Joy / unisex."
8. ABLA: in African, it means "Born on Tuesday / female."
9. ABRA: in Biblical, it means "Mother of Many / female."
10. ADAH: in Biblical, it means "Beautiful Addition / female."
11. ADDO: in African, it means "King of The Road / female."
12. ADIA: in Swahili, it means "Gift / female."
13. ADIE: in German, it means "Noble / female."
14. ADIN: in Biblical, it means "Beautiful, Adorned / female."
15. AFAF: in Arabian, it means "chastity / female."

List of 1111 baby girl / female names that are 4 letters long

16. AFIA: in African, it means "Born on Friday / female."
17. AFRA: in English, it means "Female Deer / female."
18. AFYA: in African, it means "Health / female."
19. AIDA: in Latin, it means "Helper / female."
20. AIKA: in Japanese, it means "love song / female."
21. AIKO: in Japanese, it means "love child / female."
22. AILA: in Finland, it means "Light Bearer / female."
23. AIMI: in Japanese, it means "love beauty / female."
24. AINE: in Irish, it means "Pleasure, Delight / female."
25. AIRA: in American, it means "Of The Wind / female."
26. AKIA: in African, it means "First Born / unisex."
27. AKIA: in African, it means "First Born / unisex."
28. ALAK: in Indian, it means "World; Beautiful Tresses / female."
29. ALBA: in Latin, it means "White Hill / female."
30. ALDA: in Italian, it means "Long Lived / female."
31. ALEX: in Greek, it means "Protector of Mankind / unisex."
32. ALEX: in Greek, it means "Protector of Mankind / unisex."
33. ALIA: in Biblical, it means "Noble / female."
34. ALIZ: in Hungarian, it means "Kind / female."
35. ALKA: in Hindu, it means "Young / female."
36. ALLY: in American, it means "From a Noble Family / female."
37. ALMA: in Latin, it means "Soul / female."
38. ALPA: in Indian, it means "Small / female."
39. ALTA: in Latin, it means "Tall and Lofty / unisex."
40. ALTA: in Latin, it means "Tall and Lofty / unisex."
41. ALVA: in Latin, it means "Fair Complected / unisex."
42. ALVA: in Latin, it means "Fair Complected / unisex."
43. ALYN: in American, it means "Pretty / female."
44. AMAN: in Arabian, it means "Trustworthy / female."
45. AMBA: in Indian, it means "Goddess Durga / female."
46. AMES: in Latin, it means "Love / female."
47. AMLA: in Indian, it means "Pure / female."
48. AMMA: in Hindu, it means "Godlike / female."
49. AMNA: in Arabian, it means "honest; trustworthy / female."
50. AMOR: in Spanish, it means "Love / unisex."

List of baby girl names with 4 letters only page: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
List of baby names and their meanings with 3 letters or 2 letters / characters only.


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