4 Letters Baby Girl Names - Page 4

List of 1111 baby girl / female names that are 4 letters long - page 4. Find out these 4 characters names only, names origins and their meanings.

151. CARY: in Irish, it means "Pure / unisex."
152. CATE: in Greek, it means "Pure / female."
153. CATO: in Latin, it means "Good Judgement / unisex."
154. CATO: in Latin, it means "Good Judgement / unisex."
155. CECE: in Irish, it means "Blind / female."
156. CERI: in Indian, it means "Shadow / female."
157. CHAO: in Greek, it means "Grace / female."
158. CHAO: in Chinese, it means "Great One / unisex."
159. CHAY: in English, it means "Seaport / female."
160. CHAY: in Irish, it means "Fairy Dwelling / unisex."
161. CHER: in French, it means "Beloved / female."
162. CHIE: in Japanese, it means "one thousand springs / female."
163. CHOU: in English, it means "Derives from Christopher / female."
164. CIEL: in Latin, it means "Ancient Province of Asia / female."
165. CILI: in Indian, it means "Lovely Girl / female."

List of 1111 baby girl / female names that are 4 letters long - page 4

166. CIRA: in Latin, it means "Derives from Cecilia / female."
167. CLEA: in French, it means "Merciful / female."
168. CLEO: in Greek, it means "Dim. of Cleopatra / female."
169. CLIO: in Greek, it means "Flower Goddess / female."
170. COBY: in Spanish, it means "Forgotten / female."
171. COBY: in Biblical, it means "Supplanter / unisex."
172. CONG: in French, it means "To God / female."
173. CONG: in Chinese, it means "Intelligent, Clever / unisex."
174. CORA: in Greek, it means "Like Coral / female."
175. CORY: in Greek, it means "Universe, Harmony / female."
176. CORY: in Irish, it means "Hollow / unisex."
177. COYE: in English, it means "Woods / unisex."
178. COYE: in Native American, it means "Tribe Name / unisex."
179. CREE: in English, it means "To Grow / unisex."
180. CREE: in Native American, it means "Tribe Name / unisex."
181. CWEN: in Greek, it means "Soothsayer / female."
182. CYMA: in Greek, it means "Derives from Cynthia / female."
183. DABA: in Irish, it means "Southerner / female."
184. DALY: in English, it means "Fertility Goddess / female."
185. DALY: in Gael - Scotland, it means "Advisory / female/male."
186. DANA: in Biblical, it means "God is My Judge / female."
187. DANA: in English, it means "Danish, from Denmark / unisex."
188. DANI: in Biblical, it means "Morning Star / female."
189. DARA: in Irish, it means "Dark / unisex."
190. DAVA: in American, it means "Beloved / female."
191. DAWN: in American, it means "Light and Hope / unisex."
192. DAYA: in Indian, it means "Merciful / female."
193. DAYO: in Greek, it means "Goddess / female."
194. DEJA: in Irish, it means "Short for Names Beginning with Del / unisex."
195. DEKA: in African, it means "Pleasing / unisex."
196. DEKA: in Irish, it means "Descendent of The Challenger / unisex."
197. DELI: in Latin, it means "Something Fun / female."
198. DELI: in Hungarian, it means "Hero / female/male."
199. DELU: in English, it means "Castle On the Hill / female."
200. DEMI: in Biblical, it means "Valley or Vindicated / female."

List of baby girl names with 4 letters only page: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
List of baby names and their meanings with 3 letters or 2 letters / characters only.


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