Monday, March 31, 2025

4 Letters Baby Girl Names - Page 6

List of 1111 baby girl / female names that are 4 letters long - page 6. Find out these 4 characters names only, names origins and their meanings.

251. ELAN: in Latin, it means "Happy / female."
252. ELAN: in Biblical, it means "Tree / unisex."
253. ELDA: in Greek, it means "Ella Light / female."
254. ELGA: in English, it means "Derives from Eleanor / female."
255. ELIA: in Hawaiian, it means "God is my oath / female."
256. ELIE: in Indian, it means "Woman With Intelligence / female."
257. ELIN: in Biblical, it means "God is My Light / female."
258. ELKE: in African, it means "Milking a Cow / female."
259. ELLA: in Greek, it means "Light / female."
260. ELLE: in English, it means "Elder Tree Island / unisex."
261. ELMA: in French, it means "hale-wide; very healthy and sound / female."
262. ELOM: in German, it means "Form of Elizabeth / female."
263. ELON: in Hebrew, it means "Concentration To God / female."
264. ELSA: in Biblical, it means "Consecrated to God / female."
265. ELSE: in English, it means "Fem. Form of Elvin / female."

List of 1111 baby girl / female names that are 4 letters long - page 6

266. EMAN: in American, it means "Precious Pretty Jewel / female."
267. EMMA: in Latin, it means "Short Form of Emily / female."
268. EMMY: in French, it means "soul / female."
269. ENID: in Biblical, it means "Grace / female."
270. ENYA: in Greek, it means "Suave / female."
271. ENYE: in African, it means "Man of Peace / female."
272. ERIS: in Greek, it means "Universal, Whole / female."
273. ERMA: in Irish, it means "Derives from Erin / female."
274. ERNA: in Hungarian, it means "Consecrated to God / female."
275. ESHE: in French, it means "esteemed, loved. / unisex."
276. ESMA: in Spanish, it means "Form of Emerald / female."
277. ESME: in Spanish, it means "Emerald, Jewel / female."
278. ESMÉ: in French, it means "esteemed, loved. / unisex."
279. ESMÉ: in Scandinavian, it means "God Bear / unisex."
280. ESTA: in Biblical, it means "Derives from Esther / female."
281. ETSU: in Greek, it means "Honored Gift / female."
282. ETTA: in French, it means "well born / female."
283. EVIE: in English, it means "Rich Gift / female."
284. FALA: in Irish, it means "Phallon Grandchild of The Ruler / female."
285. FAWN: in Arabian, it means "victory / female."
286. FAYE: in English, it means "Beautiful / female."
287. FEMI: in English, it means "A Fern Plant or See Ferdinand / female."
288. FENG: in Latin, it means "Fertility Goddess / female."
289. FERN: in Irish, it means "Woods / unisex."
290. FEWS: in Spanish, it means "Faithful / female."
291. FEWS: in Irish, it means "Woods / unisex."
292. FIFI: in Greek, it means "Friendship / female."
293. FIZA: in Irish, it means "Flat Land / unisex."
294. FLAN: in French, it means "yellow hair / female."
295. FLAN: in Irish, it means "From Flannery / unisex."
296. FLOS: in Spanish, it means "The Earth, Grounded / female."
297. FOLA: in American, it means "Never Ending / female."
298. FRAN: in French, it means "French / female."
299. FRAN: in Latin, it means "Free / unisex."
300. FUJI: in Indian, it means "Garland / female."

List of baby girl names with 4 letters only page: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
List of baby names and their meanings with 3 letters or 2 letters / characters only.


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