Baby Names Meaning "Wisdom"

Find out 25 BABY NAMES that meaning associated with word wisdom. These came from different cultures such as Hindu, African, Japanese, Latin, Slavic, Scandinavian, Greek, Polish, Persian and more.

- GANESA: Hindu female name means Godess of Intelligence and Wisdom
- KARASI: African female name means Life and Wisdom
- MICHIKO: Japanese female name means Beauty, Wisdom
- MINERVA: Latin female name means Goddess of Wisdom
- SONIA: Slavic female name means Wisdom -
- SONJA: Scandinavian female name means Wisdom
- SOPHIE: Greek female name means Wisdom - Dim. of Sophia
- ZOCHA: Polish female name means Wisdom
- ZOFIA: Polish female name means Wisdom
- AKILI: Persian male name means Wisdom

List of baby names which associaed meaning "wisdom":

- VIVEK: Hindu male name means Discerning with Wisdom
- ZHI: Chinese unisex name means Wisdom, Healing
- AGAMYA : Indian female name means Knowledge; Wisdom Agamya
- GOUTHEESH : Indian male name means Wisdom
- KUVAL : Indian male name means Wisdom
- MEDHA : Indian female name means Goddess Saraswati; Wisdom; Intellect Medha
- NAIJA : Indian female name means Daughter of wisdom Naija
- NIBODH : Indian male name means Wisdom
- PARMEET : Indian male name means Wisdom
- PARMITA : Indian female name means Wisdom Parmita
- PRADNYA : Indian female name means Wisdom; Buddhi Pradnya
- PRAGYA : Indian female name means Wisdom Pragya
- PRAMITI : Indian female name means Wisdom Pramiti
- SANIYA : Indian female name means Wisdom Saniya
- SUMATINATH : Indian male name means Lord of wisdom

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