Baby Names Meaning "SPEECH"

Find out 4 BABY NAMES that meaning associated with SPEECH. These came from different cultures such as American and Indian African.

- CHEYENNE: Native American female name meaning People of Alien Speech
- RUTVA : Indian female name meaning Speech Rutva
- VACHASPATI : Indian male name meaning Lord of speech
- VAGINDRA : Indian male name meaning Lord of speech

List of popular songs inspired by word "speech"

1. Free Speech for The Dumb : singer: Metallica
2. Free Speech For The Dumb : singer: Garage Inc.
3. No Speech : singer: Fuel
4. No Speech : singer: Guano Apes
5. Prospero's Speech : singer: Loreena Mckennitt
6. Serpent Speech : singer: Entombed
7. Speech : singer: Jones Keziah

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