List of baby names - EIGHT (8) letters long for GIRLS - page # 1 of 14 for examples: Aathifah, Abrienda, Adishree, Alsoomse, Amarante, … and Athenais. There are 700 baby names available which consisted of 8 letters, related origins and name meanings accordingly.
1. AATHIFAH: Arabian - (1) compassion (2) feelings
2. AATHIRAH: Arabian - fragrant
3. ABEDABUN: Native American Chippewa - dawn; sight of day
4. ABRIANNA: Biblical - Mother of Many Nations
5. ABRIENDA: Spanish - Opening
6. ADALGISA: German - Noble
7. ADAWIYAH: Arabian - a woman philosophy
8. ADELAIDE: German - Noblle
9. ADÉLAÏDE: French - noble sort
10. ADISHREE: Hindu - Glorified
11. ADOLFINA: German - Your Honor Heroes
12. ADRIENNE: Greek - Rich
13. AINTZANE: Bask - Glory
14. AL-BORAK: Arabian - the lightning
15. ALSOOMSE: Native American Algonquin - independent
16. AMABELLE: Latin - Wonder To Be Loved
17. AMANDEEP: Hindu - Light of Peace
18. AMANDINE: Latin - Beloved
19. AMARANTA: Latin - Flower that Never Fades
20. AMARANTE: Japanese - flower that never fades
EIGHT (8) letters - baby girl's names - (Amberley, Americus, Amethyst, …) - origins and meanings:
21. AMBERLEY: Hindu - Sky22. AMERICUS: Latin - Royalty
23. AMETHYST: Greek - Gemstone
24. AMORETTE: Latin - Small Love
25. ANABELLE: Latin - Worth in Love
26. ANALIESE: German - From Anna & Lisa
27. ANALILIA: Indian - Full of Grace And Lily
28. ANCHORET: Welsh - Loved
29. ANDRALYN: American - From Andrea & Lyn
30. ANDREANA: Latin - Womanly
31. ANGARIKA: Indian - Flower
32. ANGELICA: Latin - Angelic
33. ANGELINA: Italian - Little Angel
34. ANGELINE: French - angel, messenger
35. ANJELITA: Spanish - Heavenly Messenger
36. ANNALISE: German - Gracious, Consecreted to God
37. ANNELISE: German - Gracious, Consecreted to God
38. ANPAYTOO: Native American Sioux - radiant
39. ANUBHUTI: Indian - Feelings
40. ANUGRAHA: Indian - Divine Blessing
41. ANURADHA: Hindu - Bright Star
42. APIKALIA: Hawaiian - form of English Abigail, meaning father rejoices
43. APOLLINE: Greek - Sun Rays
44. AQUARIUS: Latin - Tthe Water Bearer
45. ARABELLA: Italian - Beautiful Altar
46. ARABELLE: German - Eagle
47. ARAMINTA: Hebrew - Noble
48. ASHLEIGH: English - From The Ash Tree
49. ATALANTA: Greek - Mighty Huntress
50. ATHENAIS: French - of Athena
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