List of baby names - EIGHT (8) letters long for GIRLS - page # 13 of 14 for examples: Sunbulah, Svetlana, Syahirah, Syarifah, Talullah, … and Utkarsha. There are 700 baby names available which consisted of 8 letters, related origins and name meanings accordingly.
601. SUNBULAH: Arabian - (1) name star (2) the fruit stalk
602. SUPRABHA: Hindu - Berseriseri
603. SUSANNAH: Biblical - Lily
604. SUSHMITA: Indian - Beautiful Smile
605. SVETLANA: Slavic - Spring
606. SWAANTJE: Dutch - Swanlike
607. SYADIYAH: Arabian - (1) clever singing (2) equalizing
608. SYAFIQOH: Arabian - compassion
609. SYAFIYAH: Arabian - cured healthy
610. SYAHIRAH: Arabian - famous - famous
611. SYAIKHOH: Arabian - (1) honorary degree (2) elderly
612. SYAKIRAH: Arabian - grateful
613. SYAKURAH: Arabian - grateful
614. SYAMIYAH: Arabian - mole on face
615. SYARIFAH: Arabian - noble
616. SYLVAINE: French - from the forest
617. SYLVIANE: French - from the forest
618. TAHIYYAH: Arabian - honor
619. TALLULAH: Native American Choctaw - leaping water
620. TALULLAH: Native American Choctaw - leaping water
EIGHT (8) letters - baby girl's names - (Tamadhur, Tanirika, Tanushri, …) - origins and meanings:
621. TAMADHUR: Indian - Proper Name622. TANIRIKA: Indian - A Flower
623. TANUSHRI: Indian - Beautiful
624. TAQIYYAH: Arabian - devoted
625. TARANNUM: Hindu - Melody
626. TATIENNE: French - father.
627. TAYANITA: Native American Cherokee - young beaver
628. TERANIKA: Irish - Earth's Victory
629. TEREHASA: African - Blessed
630. TERENTIA: Latin - Tender
631. THALASSA: Greek - The Sea
632. THANDIWE: African - The Loving One
633. THEODORA: Greek - From Theodore
634. THERESIA: Greek - City In Ancient Greece
635. THOLIQOH: Arabian - current (tongue) - fluent
636. THORIFAH: Arabian - greeting the new tune
637. THURAYYA: Arabian - pleiades
638. THWISHAA: Indian - Radiance; Brightness; Beauty
639. TIASSALE: African - It is Forgotten
640. TIENETTE: Greek - Crown
641. TIMBERLY: American - Tall Ruler
642. TIMOTHEA: Greek - To Obey God
643. TOINETTE: Latin - Praise
644. TRISHALA: Indian - Trident
645. TRISTANA: Latin - Sad
646. TRYPHENA: Greek - Delicate
647. TSAMARAH: Arabian - fruit
648. UDANTIKA: Indian - Satisfaction
649. URISHITA: Indian - Firm
650. UTKARSHA: Indian - Proud
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