List of baby names - EIGHT (8) letters long for GIRLS - page # 10 of 14 for examples: Normandy, Orabelle, Pantxike, Patricia, Philippa, … and Ramziyah. There are 700 baby names available which consisted of 8 letters, related origins and name meanings accordingly.
451. NORMANDY: French - Provence In France
452. OBIAJULU: African - The Expression of Feelings
453. OLAYINKA: African - Siege
454. ONTIBILE: African - God is Watching Over Me
455. ORABELLE: French - golden beautiful
456. ORLANTHA: English - Mainland
457. ORTENSIA: Latin - Tiller
458. PANCHALI: Indian - Princess
459. PANKHADI: Indian - Petal
460. PANTXIKE: Latin - Free
461. PAPILLON: French - Butterfly
462. PARINITA: Indian - Complete
463. PARVENEH: Persian - Butterfly
464. PATIENCE: English - From The Virtue
465. PATRICIA: Latin - Of Noble Descent
466. PAULETTE: French - small
467. PEMBROKE: English - A Broken Hill
468. PENELOPE: Greek - Dream Weaver
469. PÉNÉLOPE: French - weaver of cunning
470. PHILIPPA: Greek - Loving - Fem. of Phillip
EIGHT (8) letters - baby girl's names - (Phylicia, POLOLENA, Prabhati, …) - origins and meanings:
471. PHYLICIA: Greek - Fortunate472. POLOLENA: Hawaiian - form of English/French Florence, meaning blossoming
473. PRABHATI: Hindu - Morning
474. PRAJAKTA: Indian - Fragnant Flower
475. PRAKRITI: Indian - Nature; Beautiful
476. PRAKRUTI: Indian - Nature
477. PRATIBHA: Indian - Splendour Brightness Intelligence
478. PRAVEENA: Indian - Skilled
479. PRAYERNA: Indian - Bhakti, Worship
480. PRECIOUS: American - Precious One
481. PRENTICE: English - Beginner, Learning
482. PRIMROSE: Latin - First Rose
483. PRINCESS: English - Royal Daughter
484. PRITHIKA: Indian - Flower
485. PRUDENCE: English - Cautious, Intelligent
486. PRUNELLA: Latin - Little Plum
487. QOMARIAH: Arabian - by month
488. QUENNELL: French - Oak Tree
489. QUINELLA: Latin - Other Forms of Quintana
490. QUINTANA: Latin - The Fifth Girl
491. QUINTINA: Latin - Fifth
492. QUITERIE: French - Serenity
493. RACHELLE: French - Lamb
494. RADHIYAA: Indian - Content; Satisfied
495. RAFFERTY: Irish - Wealthy
496. RAGNHILD: Norwegian - A Wise
497. RAIHANAH: Arabian - scented plants
498. RAIMUNDE: French - wise protector
499. RAJESHRI: Indian - Queen
500. RAMZIYAH: Arabian - cue
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