Baby Boys Names with 6 Letters – Page 2

List of baby names - SIX (6) letters long for boys - page # 2 of 26 for examples: ANTONY, ANWARI, ARCHIT, ARKAAN, ARPIAR, … and AUBURN. Find out these 6 characters boy's names only, name's origins and their meanings.

76. ANTONY: Latin - Praiseworthy, Flourishing
77. ANUPAM: Indian - Unique; Uncomparable
78. ANURAG: Indian - Love
79. ANVESH: Indian - Investigation
80. ANWARI: Arabian - My Light
81. APOLLO: Greek - God of Truth and Light
82. AQUILA: Spanish - Eagle
83. ARAFAT: Arabian - The Famous, Acquaintances
84. ARCHER: English - Bowman
85. ARCHIT: Indian - Worship
86. ARGYLE: English - Diamond Pattern
87. ARICIN: Scandinavian - King's Son
88. ARISTO: Greek - Best
89. ARITRA: Indian - One Who Shows the Right Path
90. ARKAAN: Indian - Principles
91. ARLAND: Celtic - Pledge
92. ARLUIN: French - Noble Friend or Noble Warrior
93. ARNAUD: French - Eagle Power
94. ARNOLD: German - Strong as an Eagle
95. ARPIAR: Armenian - Bright

SIX (6) letters - baby boy's names - (Arshad, Arsyad, Arthus, …) - origins and meanings:

96. ARSHAD: Indian - Heavenly
97. ARSYAD: Arabian - A Very Clever
98. ARTHUS: Welsh - Bear
99. ARVIND: Indian - Lotus
100. ASHANK: Indian - Faith
101. ASHEEM: Indian - Boundless
102. ASHFAQ: Indian - Noble Prince
103. ASHKII: Native American Navajo - Boy
104. ASHLEY: English - From the Ash Tree
105. ASHMAH: Arabian - Bold
106. ASHRAF: Indian - More Honorable
107. ASHTON: English - Ash Tree Settlement
108. ASHWIN: Hindu - Strong Horse
109. ASKARI: Arabian - Military
110. ASKOOK: Native American Algonquin - Snake
111. ASMAAN: Arabian - A Pure Heart and a Firm Opinion
112. ASNAWI: Arabian - A Radiant, Resplendent
113. ASTLEY: Latin - Stars
114. ASUMAN: Hindu - King
115. ASY'AR: Arabian - Taste, Smooth Soul

SIX (6) letters - baby boy's names - (Asyari, Asytar, Athari, …) origins and meanings:

116. ASYARI: Arabian - My Feelings
117. ASYTAR: Arabian - Charming
118. ATHARI: Arabian - Clean
119. ATHMAR: Arabian - A Victorious
120. ATILLA: Hungarian - Daddy Dearest
121. ATRAIU: Indian - Great Warrior
122. AUBERT: French - Bright Nobility
123. AUBREE: English - Little Elves
124. AUBREY: French - Form of Auberon
125. AUBURN: Latin - Fair
126. AUDRIC: French - Wisdom, Old Ruler; Long Time Ruler
127. AUGUST: German - Revered, Exalted
128. AURÈLE: French - Golden
129. AUSIJA: Indian - Renowned; Bright as the Dawn
130. AVEDIS: Armenian - Brings Good News
131. AVIJIT: Indian - Invincible
132. AVIKAM: Indian - Diamond
133. AVIRAL: Indian - Continous, Ongoing
134. AVIRAT: Indian - Continuous
135. AVITAL: Biblical - Father of Dew

SIX (6) letters - baby boy's names - (Awliya, Awwadi, Azazil, …) origins and meanings:

136. AWLIYA: Arabian - Lover
137. AWWADI: Arabian - Which Meant It
138. AZAZIL: Arabian - Far Removed
139. AZHARI: Arabian - That Glow, a Glorious
140. AZIZAN: Arabian - Noble, Strong, Beloved
141. AZRAEL: Arabian - Help of God
142. AZZAAM: Indian - Determined; Resolved
143. BAAHIR: Indian - Dazzling; Brilliant
144. BAASIM: Indian - Smiling
145. BABACK: Persian - Loving Father
146. BADRAN: Arabian - Full Moon (Full Moon)
147. BADRUN: Arabian - Full Moon
148. BAHJAN: Arabian - Brilliant
149. BAHJAT: Arabian - Glories
150. BAHRAM: Persian - A Persian King, Mars Planet

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