BABY Boys Names with 6 Letters - Page 23

List of baby names - SIX (6) letters long for boys - page # 23 of 26 for examples: TAHZIR, TAL'AH, TALISA, TANITH, TANVIR, … and THIERY. Find out these 6 characters boy's names only, name's origins and their meanings.

1651. TAHZIR: Arabian - Business Alerts
1652. TAISIR: Arabian - Facilitate
1653. TAKODA: French - Claw
1654. TAKUMI: Japanese - Adroit, Artisan, Skilful
1655. TAL'AH: Arabian - Shown, Advanced
1656. TALASI: Native American - Cornflower
1657. TAL'AT: Arabian - Height
1658. TALBOT: English - Rewards
1659. TALINE: Hindu - Absorbed
1660. TALISA: Native American - Hero
1661. TALMAI: Biblical - Mound
1662. TAMARR: American - Date Palm
1663. TAMRIN: Arabian - Exercise, Habituation
1664. TANISH: Indian - Ambition
1665. TANITH: English - Leather Worker
1666. TANMAY: Indian - Reincarnated; Concentrate
1667. TANNAR: English - Leather Worker
1668. TANNER: German - Leather Worker
1669. TANNIS: Greek - Hide Tanner
1670. TANVIR: Indian - Strong

SIX (6) letters - baby boy's names - (Tapesh, Tarang, Tarani, …) - origins and meanings:

1671. TAPESH: Indian - The Holy Trinity
1672. TARANG: Indian - Wave
1673. TARANI: Irish - Rocky Hill
1674. TARDOS: Hungarian - Bald
1675. TAREEF: Indian - Rare; Uncommon
1676. TARFAH: Indian - Kind of Tree
1677. TASSOS: Greek - Harvester
1678. TATSUO: Japanese - Dragon Man, Far-Reaching Man, Imperial Man
1679. TAUFIQ: Arabian - Relief, Instructions
1680. TAURIN: Latin - Born Under Signs
1681. TAURUS: Latin - The Bull
1682. TAUSIQ: Hindu - Reinforcement
1683. TAUTIK: Indian - Pearl
1684. TAWFIQ: Arabian - Good Fortune; Prosperity
1685. TAYLOR: English - Tailor
1686. TAYTEN: American - Small One
1687. TEAGAN: Irish - Attractive
1688. TEAGUE: Irish - A Poet
1689. TEENIE: American - Small One
1690. TEJANO: Spanish - Texan Male

SIX (6) letters - baby boy's names - (Temani, Temima, Temple, …) origins and meanings:

1691. TEMANI: Hebrew - Friends
1692. TEMIMA: English - A Sanctuary
1693. TEMPLE: English - A Sanctuary
1694. TERENA: Irish - Earth
1695. TERRIS: Latin - Tender, Good Gracious
1696. TETSUO: Japanese - Wise Hero, Wise Man
1697. THANOS: Greek - Noble
1698. THAQIB: Indian - Shooting Star
1699. THERON: Greek - Hunter
1700. THIERY: French - Ruler of the People
1701. THIMBA: Swahili - Lion Hunter
1702. THOMAS: Biblical - Identical
1703. THORNE: English - Thorn Tree
1704. THORPE: English - From the Village
1705. THUONG: Vietnamese - Love Tenderly
1706. THUYET: Vietnamese - Theory
1707. TIBALT: Greek - Prince
1708. TILDEN: English - Fertile Valley
1709. TIMEUS: Greek - Perfect
1710. TITUSZ: Hungarian - Be Respected

SIX (6) letters - baby boy's names - (Tobias, Tokala, Tomkin, …) origins and meanings:

1711. TOBIAS: Biblical - The Lord is Kind
1712. TOKALA: Native American Dakota - Fox
1713. TOMKIN: English - Tom Small
1714. TOMOKO: Latin - Golden Gem
1715. TOPPER: English - Hill
1716. TORGNY: Scandinavian - Weapon Clatter
1717. TORREY: Celtic - Shelter Name
1718. TOSHIO: Japanese - Brilliant Man
1719. TQSNIF: Arabian - Compose
1720. TRACEY: English - Brave
1721. TRAVIS: French - Crossroads
1722. TRELLA: French - Emergency
1723. TREVET: Irish - Three Mounds of Earth
1724. TREVOR: Irish - Prudent
1725. TRIAGE: French - Emergency

SIX (6) letters baby boys names - page: [23] [24] [25] [26]



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