Names with Six Letters for Boys – Page 5

List of baby names - SIX (6) letters long for boys - page # 5 of 26 for examples: CULLEN, CUTLER, DAFYDD, DALILA, DALTON, … and DEGARÉ. Find out these 6 characters boy's names only, name's origins and their meanings.

301. CULLEN: Irish - Handsome
302. CULVER: English - Pigeon
303. CURRAN: Scotland - Hero
304. CURTIS: Latin - Courteous
305. CUTLER: English - Knife Maker
306. CUTTER: English - Gem Cutter
307. CUYLER: Irish - Chapel, Shelter
308. CYBILL: Greek - A Public Hill
309. DACIAN: Latin - From Dacia (Near Rome)
310. DAFYDD: Welsh - Beloved
311. DAICHI: Japanese - Great Land, Great Wisdom
312. DAISAM: Arabian - Gentle
313. DAIYAN: Arabian - The Judge, the Avenger
314. DAKSHI: Indian - The Glorious
315. DALILA: Irish - Wise
316. DALLAS: Irish - Wise
317. DALLIN: Irish - From the Dale
318. DALLON: Scotland - Advisory
319. DALLON: English - From Dale, a Valley
320. DALTON: English - The Town Near the Valley

SIX (6) letters - baby boy's names - (Damara, Damian, Damien, …) - origins and meanings:

321. DAMARA: Cekoslovakia - Earth
322. DAMIAN: Greek - Sweet and Harmless
323. DAMIEN: Greek - Sweet and Harmless
324. DAMITA: English - Danish, from Denmark
325. DANDRE: French - Combination Name For Andre
326. DANIAL: Arabian - Name of Prophet
327. DANIEL: Biblical - God is my Judge
328. DANIKA: Latin - Lasting
329. DANISH: Arabian - Knowledge, Wise
330. DANNON: Biblical - From Daniel-Judged by God
331. DANVIR: Indian - Charitable
332. DARCIE: French - Beloved
333. DARELL: French - Beloved
334. DARIUS: Greek - Wealthy
335. DARPAN: Indian - Mirror
336. DARREL: French - Leader
337. DARREN: Irish - Great
338. DARWIN: English - Dear Friend
339. DASUKI: Arabian - My Beauty, my Light
340. DAULAH: Irish - Fem. form of David

SIX (6) letters - baby boy's names - (Dawani, Dawood, Dawson, …) origins and meanings:

341. DAWANI: Arabian - Ratio
342. DAWOOD: Arabian - Beloved
343. DAWSON: English - Son of David
344. DAYTON: English - Bright and Sunny Town
345. DEACON: American - Pastor
346. DECKER: German - Man of Prayer
347. DECLAN: Irish - Irish Saint
348. DEEPAK: Hindu - Brilliant
349. DEEPEN: Indian - Name of Poet
350. DEGARÉ: French - Strayed, Lost
351. DEITER: German - Army of the People
352. DELANO: Irish - Dark
353. DELBIN: Hungarian - Hero
354. DELMAR: English - Sailor
355. DEMONT: French - Mountain
356. DENISE: American - Green Valley
357. DENNIS: Greek - From Greek Mythology
358. DENTON: English - Happy Home
359. DENVER: American - Green Valley
360. DENZEL: American - Wild One

SIX (6) letters - baby boy's names - (Derick, Dermot, Derron, …) origins and meanings:

361. DERICK: German - Ruler of the People
362. DERMOT: Irish - Free Man
363. DERRON: English - Great
364. DÉSIRÉ: French - Desired.
365. DEVLIN: Irish - Brave, Fierce
366. DEVPAD: Indian - Divine Feet
367. DEVRAT: Indian - Spiritual
368. DEWITT: German - Blond
369. DEXTER: Latin - Flexible, Able-Bodied
370. DHABIT: Arabian - The Powerful Memory
371. DHARMA: Hindu - Ultimate Law of All Things
372. DHARMI: Indian - Religious
373. DHAVAL: Indian - A Fair One
374. DHIRAJ: Indian - Patience
375. DHIREN: Indian - Strengh, Strong

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