Baby Boy Names from Polish

- MELCHIOR: is a Polish baby boy name meaning A King.
- MANDEK: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Army Man.
- BENDEK: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Blessed.
- TAIT: is a Polish unisex baby name meaning Cheerful.
- STANISLAW: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Derives from Stanislav.
- KAZ: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Dim. of Cassius.
- BONIFACY: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Doer of Good Deeds.
- HOLLEB: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Dove.
- ARVID: is a Polish unisex baby name meaning Eagle Tree.
- ERYK: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Ever Powerful.
- EYTAN: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Firm, Strong.
- JERZY: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Form of George.
- GEREK: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Form of Gerard.
- MARCIN: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Form of Martin.
- RAFAL: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Form of Raphael.
- NATAN: is a Polish baby boy name meaning God Has Given.
- AUREK: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Golden Haired.
- DOBRY: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Good.
- TANEK: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Immortal.
- BAZYLI: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Kingly.
- KNUT: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Knot.
- GWIDON: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Life.
- LIUZ: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Light.
- EREK: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Lovable.
- LUBOSLAW: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Lover of Glory.
- ALDON: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Of Old Age.
- MIRON: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Peace.
- RUFIN: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Red Head.
- MAGNAR: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Strength Warrior.
- GERIK: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Swords and Riches.
- BREDE: is a Polish unisex baby name meaning The Glaciar.
- ZBIGNIEW: is a Polish baby boy name meaning To Get Rid of Anger.
- MILEK: is a Polish baby boy name meaning Victorious People.
- ZIVEN: is a Polish unisex baby name meaning Vigorous, Alive.
- MAREK: is a Polish unisex baby name meaning Warlike.
- ALBIN: is a Polish baby boy name meaning White.
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