FIVE (5) Letters Baby Boy Names - Page 7

List of 1555 baby boy / male names that are FIVE (5) letters long - page 7 of 31, for examples: CLYDE, COLBY, COLIN, COLON, COLUM, … Find out these 5 characters boy's names only, names origins and their meanings.

301. CLYDE: in Irish, it means "Warm / boy."
302. COLBY: in English, it means "Dark Haired / boy."
303. COLIN: in Greek, it means "Form of Nicholas / boy."
304. COLON: in Spanish, it means "Pigeon / boy."
305. COLUM: in Irish, it means "Dove / boy."
306. CONAN: in Irish, it means "Wise / boy."
307. CONOR: in Irish, it means "Much Wanted / boy."
308. CORBY: in English, it means "Dark as a Raven / boy."
309. COREY: in Irish, it means "Hollow / boy."
310. CORIN: in French, it means "A Maiden; men together / boy."

FIVE (5) letters - baby boy's names - page 7 of 31:

311. COSME: in French, it means "order, beauty / boy."
312. COSMO: in Greek, it means "Roderly, Harmonious / boy."
313. COYNE: in French, it means "Modest / boy."
314. CRAIG: in Irish, it means "From The Crag / boy."
315. CREDA: in American, it means "Native to The Land, Creole / boy."
316. CRETE: in English, it means "Derives from Christopher / boy."
317. CSABA: in Hungarian, it means "From Mythology / boy."
318. CURRY: in Irish, it means "A Marsh or an Herb / boy."
319. CYRIL: in Greek, it means "Lordly / boy."
320. CYRUS: in Persian, it means "Sun / boy."
321. DACIO: in Norwegian - Norsk, it means "Day / boy."
322. DAGNA: in German, it means "The Sun Shines / boy."
323. DAIKI: in Japanese, it means "great glory, great noble, great tree / boy."
324. DAIRE: in Irish, it means "Ancient Irish / boy."
325. DAMEK: in Cekoslovakia, it means "Earth / boy."
326. DAMON: in Greek, it means "Constant,Loyal / boy."
327. DANIL: in Persian, it means "Form of Daniel / boy."
328. DANNO: in Japanese, it means "gathering in the meadow / boy."
329. DANNY: in Irish, it means "Derives from Daniel / boy."
330. DANTE: in Latin, it means "Lasting / boy."
331. DARAY: in Irish, it means "Dark / boy."
332. DARCI: in Irish, it means "Dark One / boy."
333. DARCY: in Nigerian, it means "Born at Night / boy."
334. DARCY: in Irish, it means "Dark One / boy."
335. DAREH: in Armenian, it means "Wealthy One / boy."
336. DAREN: in Nigerian, it means "Born at Night / boy."
337. DARIA: in Irish, it means "Derives from Darin / boy."
338. DARIN: in Irish, it means "Precious Present / boy."
339. DARIO: in Spanish, it means "Affluent / boy."
340. DARVA: in French, it means "Dear, Beloved / boy."
341. DARYL: in French, it means "Dear, Beloved / boy."
342. DASAN: in Native American, it means "Ruler / boy."
343. DASHA: in Hindu, it means "Boy From Atri / boy."
344. DAVAN: in Irish, it means "Fem. Form of David / boy."
345. DAVIN: in Scandinavian, it means "Finnish Person / boy."
346. DAVIS: in Welsh, it means "Son of David / boy."
347. DELIZ: in Scandinavian, it means "Scintillating / boy."
348. DELLA: in English, it means "Sailor / boy."
349. DELTA: in Holland, it means "Man / boy."
350. DEMAN: in Holland, it means "Man / boy."

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