FIVE (5) Letters Baby Boy Names - Page 29

List of 1555 baby boy / male names that are FIVE (5) letters long - page 29 of 31, for examples: ULRIC, UMRAN, UPKAR, UPTON, URBAN, … Find out these 5 characters boy's names only, names origins and their meanings.

1401. ULRIC: in Scandinavian, it means "Wolf / boy."
1402. UMRAN: in Arabian, it means "prosperity / boy."
1403. UPKAR: in Latin, it means "From The City / boy."
1404. UPTON: in Egyptian, it means "High Village / boy."
1405. URBAN: in Latin, it means "From The City / boy."
1406. URIAN: in Greek, it means "From Heaven / boy."
1407. URIEN: in Celtic, it means "The Birth of Parties / boy."
1408. URWAH: in Arabian, it means "lion / boy."
1409. USAMA: in Arabian, it means "lion-like? / boy."
1410. USTIN: in Russian, it means "Another Form of Justin / boy."

FIVE (5) letters - baby boy's names - page 29 of 31:

1411. UZOMA: in Nigerian, it means "Born in Travel / boy."
1412. UZZAM: in Arabian, it means "lion / boy."
1413. VADIN: in Hindu, it means "Known Lecturer / boy."
1414. VALIN: in Hindu, it means "Monkey King / boy."
1415. VANCE: in English, it means "Swamp / boy."
1416. VANIG: in Armenian, it means "Small Town / boy."
1417. VANNA: in Slavic, it means "Gracious / boy."
1418. VANYA: in Slavic, it means "Gracious / boy."
1419. VAREN: in Hindu, it means "Superior / boy."
1420. VARUN: in Hindu, it means "Lord of The Sea / boy."
1421. VASIN: in Hindi, it means "Ruler / boy."
1422. VEDIE: in Latin, it means "Eye Views / boy."
1423. VERED: in Hebrew, it means "Flowers Roses / boy."
1424. VERNE: in Latin, it means "Youthful / boy."
1425. VEVAY: in English, it means "Full of Life / boy."
1426. VIDAL: in Spanish, it means "Vital / boy."
1427. VIDAR: in Scandinavian, it means "Lumberjack / boy."
1428. VIDOR: in Hungarian, it means "Happy / boy."
1429. VIDUR: in Hindi, it means "Wise / boy."
1430. VIJAY: in Hindu, it means "Victorious / boy."
1431. VIKAS: in Hindu, it means "Progress / boy."
1432. VILJO: in Latin, it means "From Words William / boy."
1433. VILLE: in Swedish, it means "From Words William / boy."
1434. VINAY: in Hindu, it means "Modesty / boy."
1435. VINCE: in Latin, it means "Victorious / boy."
1436. VINNY: in American, it means "Derives from Vincent / boy."
1437. VIRAT: in Hindu, it means "Highest / boy."
1438. VIRGO: in Latin, it means "The Virgin / boy."
1439. VITAS: in Latin, it means "Life / boy."
1440. VIVEK: in Hindu, it means "Discerning with Wisdom / boy."
1441. WABIL: in Arabian, it means "quixotic / boy."
1442. WADUD: in Arabian, it means "loving / boy."
1443. WAFIQ: in Arabian, it means "victorious / boy."
1444. WAFIY: in Arabian, it means "loyal, honest / boy."
1445. WAFRI: in Arabian, it means "wealth / boy."
1446. WAHID: in Arabian, it means "single / boy."
1447. WÁHID: in Arabian, it means "one / boy."
1448. WAITE: in English, it means "Protector / boy."
1449. WALDO: in English, it means "God's Power / boy."
1450. WALID: in Arabian, it means "procreator / boy."

FIVE (5) letters baby boy's names - pages: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]



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