4 Letters Baby Boy Names - Page 9

List of 1001 baby boy / male names that are 4 letters long - page 9. Find out these 4 characters names only, names origins and their meanings.

401. IMAD: in Arabian - "pillar / male."
402. IMAM: in Arabian - "chief; guide; leader / male."
403. IMRE: in German - "Great King / male."
404. INAS: in Arabian - "tenderness / male."
405. INCE: in Hungarian - "Innocent / male."
406. INGO: in Scandinavian - "Male Leader / male."
407. IPIL: in Indian - "Stars / male."
408. IRAJ: in Indian - "Lord Hanuman / male."
409. IRAM: in Biblical - "Shining / male."
410. IRIA: in American - "From Ireland / unisex."
411. ISAM: in Arabian - "security / male."
412. ISAO: in Japanese - "honor; merit / male."
413. ISMA: in Arabian - "raiser / male."
414. ISSA: in Arabian - "Jesus / male."
415. IVAN: in Slavic - "God is Good / male."

List of 1001 baby boy / male names that are 4 letters long

416. IVAR: in Norwegian - Norsk - "Jewelry / male."
417. IVER: in Scandinavian - "Jewelry / male."
418. IVES: in English - "Jewelry / male."
419. IVON: in French - "yew tree / male."
420. IWAO: in Japanese - "stone man / male."
421. IYAD: in Arabian - "support, strength / male."
422. IZNA: in American - "Moon-Var. of Jacey / unisex."
423. IZZY: in Biblical - "He Will Laugh / male."
424. JABA: in American - "Variation of Jace / unisex."
425. JABR: in Arabian - "despot; tyrant / male."
426. JACE: in American - "Moon-Var. of Jacey / unisex."
427. JACK: in English - "Derives from John / male."
428. JACY: in African - "Moon / male."
429. JADA: in Biblical - "Wise / unisex."
430. JADE: in Spanish - "Green Gemstone / unisex."
431. JAKE: in Biblical - "Derives from Jacob / male."
432. JALI: in Arabian - "real / male."
433. JANU: in Indian - "Soul; Life Force / male."
434. JASE: in American - "From Jason / male."
435. JEAN: in Irish/French - "God is Gracious, Baptiste St. John The Baptist / unisex."
436. JEFF: in English - "Derives from Jeffrey / male."
437. JELA: in Swahili - "Father Suffered During Birth / unisex."
438. JENO: in African - "Glorify God / female/male."
439. JENS: in Biblical - "God is Gracious / male."
440. JESS: in Biblical - "Wealthy / unisex."
441. JETT: in English - "Jet Black Gem / male."
442. JINX: in African - "Willing Sacrifice / female/male."
443. JIRA: in Biblical - "Nickname for Names Starting with Jo / unisex."
444. JIRO: in Japanese - "second son / male."
445. JOCK: in American - "Short Form of Jacob or John / male."
446. JODY: in American - "Short for Joseph / male."
447. JOEL: in Biblical - "The Lord is God / male."
448. JOËL: in French - "Jehovah is God or to whom Jehovah is God / male."
449. JOEY: in Biblical - "Derives from Joseph / male."
450. JOHN: in Biblical - "God is Gracious, Merciful / male."



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