Wednesday, January 01, 2025

4 Letters Baby Boy Names - Page 14

List of 1001 baby boy / male names that are 4 letters long - page 14. Find out these 4 characters names only, names origins and their meanings.

651. NEMO: in Greek, refer to "Glen / male."
652. NERO: in Spanish, refer to "Stern / male."
653. NICK: in Greek, refer to "Victorious People / male."
654. NICO: in Italian, refer to "Victorious People / male."
655. NIDA: in Native American, refer to "Elf / unisex."
656. NIEL: in Biblical, refer to "Derives from Nathaniel / unisex."
657. NIKE: in Greek, refer to "Victory / female/male."
658. NILI: in Biblical, refer to "Pea Plant / unisex."
659. NIMA: in Arabian, refer to "blessed? / male."
660. NINO: in Italian, refer to "Kindness of God / male."
661. NISI: in Hebrew, refer to "Sign / female/male."
662. NOAH: in Biblical, refer to "Peaceful, Restful / male."
663. NOAM: in Biblical, refer to "Pleasant Friend / male."
664. NOBU: in Japanese, refer to "faith, to extend / male."
665. NOEL: in French, refer to "Christ's Birthday / male."

List of 1001 baby boy / male names that are 4 letters long

666. NOËL: in French, refer to "day of birth / male."
667. NOOR: in Arabian, refer to "light / unisex."
668. NORI: in Japanese, refer to "ceremony, regalia, code, precedent, model, rule / unisex."
669. NORM: in American, refer to "Invader of Normandie / male."
670. NOSH: in Native American Algonquin, refer to "father / male."
671. NOVA: in Latin, refer to "New / unisex."
672. NRIP: in Indian, refer to "King / male."
673. NURI: in Biblical, refer to "Flaming Lights / unisex."
674. NURU: in Swahili, refer to "Light / unisex."
675. NYLE: in Latin, refer to "An Island / male."
676. ODED: in Biblical, refer to "Strong / male."
677. ODIL: in French, refer to "Kaya Raya / male."
678. ODIN: in Scandinavian, refer to "Supreme God / unisex."
679. OGUZ: in Hungarian, refer to "Arrow / male."
680. OHIO: in Native American, refer to "Large River / unisex."
681. OJAL: in African, refer to "Animal with Long Neck / unisex."
682. OJAS: in Indian, refer to "Vitality / male."
683. OKAL: in African, refer to "To Cross / unisex."
684. OLAF: in Scandinavian, refer to "Ancestor / male."
685. OLEG: in Slavic, refer to "Sacred / male."
686. OLEK: in Arabian, refer to "great / male."
687. OLIN: in Scandinavian, refer to "Of The Ancestors / unisex."
688. OMAR: in Persian, refer to "Ultimate Devotee / male."
689. ONAN: in Turkish, refer to "Wealthy / male."
690. ORAL: in Latin, refer to "Speaker, Word / male."
691. ORAN: in Latin, refer to "Beginning / unisex."
692. ORDE: in Latin, refer to "Beginning / unisex."
693. OREN: in Biblical, refer to "A Tree / male."
694. ORLY: in Biblical, refer to "Light / unisex."
695. OSMA: in English, refer to "The Upper Town / unisex."
696. OTES: in French, refer to "wealthy / male."
697. OTIS: in Greek, refer to "One Who Hears Well / male."
698. OTTO: in German, refer to "Wealthy / male."
699. OVIA: in Biblical, refer to "Strength / unisex."
700. OVID: in Latin, refer to "Egg Shaped / male."



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