Monday, March 31, 2025

Symptoms Of Early IVF Pregnancy Signs Of An In Vitro Pregnancy - By: Apurva Shree

Most of the women under in vitro pregnancy feel confused what would be their symptoms of early IVF pregnancy. Women, who do not conceive naturally, can conceive artificially through in vitro process. Therefore, they often feel whether IVF symptoms resemble symptoms of natural pregnancies or not.

Following an IVF pregnancy, the egg is taken outside in a Petri dish to fertilize. After fertilization, the egg is again implanted in the body. However, this is an artificial process of being pregnant, the course of the stage advances as the normal period advances. However, after much discussion on IVF symptoms, confusions related to this topic has prevailed. Let us talk about the procedures of IVF pregnancy and the early symptoms.

What Is IVF pregnancy

This IVF pregnancy has brought ray of hopes to many women who have not been able to become pregnant naturally. Fortunately, this also consists of painless procedures. As the egg is fertilized in a Petri dish, it is planted in the womb of by the help of a catheter. The symptoms come to surface as the fertilized egg is implanted at the walls of uterus. Once the egg is implanted, mothers body starts generating hormones to support advancement of pregnancy. As the symptoms start showing up, take note of each of the signs and prepare a journal.

However, one must know the date when the egg was fertilized in the womb, otherwise, it is pretty challenging to make a journal in case of an IVF pregnancy. So, start with recording the date of the implantation of the fertilized egg in your uterus.

What Are The Symptoms Of IVF pregnancy

After the egg is implanted in the uterus, and as your status is determined through an ultrasound, your body commence showing up symptoms of early IVF pregnancy. These symptoms are usually the symptoms of normal pregnancy. Following is a list of probable signs you can expect in these cases.

* Enhanced level of basal body temperature
* An overdue periods or amenorrhea
* Tender and sore breasts
* Cramping sensation in lower abdominal area
* Discomforts of nausea and queasiness throughout the day
* Increased aversion and fondness to certain foods and fragrances.
* Dizziness and increased level of exhaustion and fainting.
* Sudden onset of mood swings
* Lower back pain
* Urinating frequently

Role of HCG in IVF pregnancy

HCG hormone is known as the pregnancy hormone and is produced after the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. In an interval of few days, this hormone is secreted in the blood and lead to arousal of symptoms of early stage. However, during this type of pregnancy, this hormone gets released a bit later in comparison to the normal process. This is the reason, the symptoms take a bit longer to arrive.

If you are at this stage of IVF pregnancy, you should better consult a doctor or medical process to get your pregnancy confirmed, than to wait for its symptoms. Using an urine test, doctors detect IVF pregnancy. Undergo an HPT or positive urine test or ultrasound to be confirmed of your pregnancy if the symptoms of early IVF pregnancy are yet to show up.

About The Author-- Many women who opt for in vitro pregnancy also known as IVF Pregnancy ask questions if the symptoms of early IVF pregnancy are different from normal pregnancy symptoms. Early Pregnancy Symptoms provides more information on this and other early signs of pregnancy such as early pregnancy symptom spotting.

Article Source: Articles island - Free article submission and free reprint articles

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