FIVE (5) Letter LATIN Names

List of FIVE (5) LETTER - LATIN NAMES, for baby boy and baby girl eg: Abril, Adora, Aggie, Aleda, Amity, Angie and Anita. There are 128 Latin names with 5 characters longand their meanings available here at SCBS Baby Blog.

1. ABRIL: Latin (female) = April
2. ADORA: Latin (female) = Beloved One
3. AGGIE: Latin (female) = Lamb
4. ALEDA: Latin (female) = Small and Winged
5. AMITY: Latin (female) = Friendship
6. ANGIE: Latin (female) = Angel
7. ANITA: Latin (female) = Gracious
8. APRIA: Latin (female) = From The Apricot
9. APRIL: Latin (female) = Opening, 4Th Month
10. BEATA: Latin (female) = One Who Brings Joy
11. BEATE: Latin (female) = One Who Brings Joy
12. BELLA: Latin (female) = Beautiful
13. BELVA: Latin (female) = Beautiful View
14. BRINA: Latin (female) = Boundry Line
15. CELIA: Latin (female) = Blind
16. CISSY: Latin (female) = Derives from Cecilia
17. CLARA: Latin (female) = Clear, Bright
18. CRETE: Latin (female) = Dim. of Lucretia
19. DIANE: Latin (female) = Celestial Hunter
20. ELANA: Latin (female) = Light
21. ELATA: Latin (female) = Happy
22. FLORA: Latin (female) = Flowering
23. GLORA: Latin (female) = Derives from Gloria
24. GLORY: Latin (female) = Derives from Gloria
25. IVORY: Latin (female) = White as Elephant Tusks
26. JOYCE: Latin (female) = Merry
27. JULIA: Latin (female) = Soft-Haired, Youthful
28. JULIE: Latin (female) = Soft-Haired, Youthful
29. KITTY: Latin (female) = Little Cat, or See Catherine
30. LAURA: Latin (female) = Laurel-Crowned
31. LELIA: Latin (female) = Lily
32. LEORA: Latin (female) = Light
33. LIBRA: Latin (female) = The Scales, Equality
34. LICIA: Latin (female) = Happy
35. LILAC: Latin (female) = Bluish Purple
36. LILLI: Latin (female) = Flower
37. LILLY: Latin (female) = Lily Flower
38. LORIE: Latin (female) = Crowned with Laurel
39. LORNA: Latin (female) = Crowned with Laurel
40. LOTTA: Latin (female) = Petite Beauty
41. LYNDA: Latin (female) = Beautiful
42. MADRA: Latin (female) = Derives from Madonna
43. MANDY: Latin (female) = Worthy of Love
44. MARCI: Latin (female) = Martial
45. MARCY: Latin (female) = Martial
46. MAREN: Latin (female) = Of The Sea
47. MARVA: Latin (female) = Marvelous
48. MIRRA: Latin (female) = Behold, Admirable
49. NASIA: Latin (female) = Derives from Natalie
50. NECIA: Latin (female) = Fiery, Passionate
51. NEDRA: Latin (female) = Awareness
52. NESSA: Latin (female) = Lamb
53. NORMA: Latin (female) = From The North
54. NYDIA: Latin (female) = A Safe Place, Nest
55. ODINA: Latin (female) = Mountain
56. OLIVE: Latin (female) = Olive Branch, Peace
57. PATSY: Latin (female) = Derives from Patricia
58. PATTY: Latin (female) = Derives from Patricia
59. PAULA: Latin (female) = Small
60. PEARL: Latin (female) = A Gem of The Sea
61. PERDY: Latin (female) = From Perdita
62. POLLY: Latin (female) = Bitter
63. RONIA: Latin (female) = My Joy is The Lord
64. RONNA: Latin (female) = Derives from Veronica
65. ROSSA: Latin (female) = Beautiful Flower
66. SIBYL: Latin (female) = Seer
67. SIDRA: Latin (female) = Star Born
68. TAVIA: Latin (female) = Eighth
69. TERAH: Latin (female) = Earth, Hillside
70. TIARA: Latin (female) = Crowned
71. TONYA: Latin (female) = Worthy of Praise
72. TOSCA: Latin (female) = From Tuscany, Italy
73. TRINI: Latin (female) = The Trinity
74. VERNA: Latin (female) = Truth
75. VESTA: Latin (female) = Goddess of The Hearth
76. VONDA: Latin (female) = TRUE Image
77. WILLA: Latin (female) = Protector
78. ZANNA: Latin (female) = Lily
79. ZARIA: Latin (female) = Princess
80. ZINNA: Latin (female) = Rayed Flower
81. ALBAN: Latin (male) = White Hill
82. CESAR: Latin (male) = Long Haired
83. CHUCK: Latin (male) = Derives from Charles
84. FABIO: Latin (male) = Bean Farmer
85. FIDEL: Latin (male) = Faithful
86. FRANK: Latin (male) = Free
87. JEROM: Latin (male) = Holy Man
88. JOVAN: Latin (male) = Majestic
89. LARRY: Latin (male) = Laurels
90. LINUS: Latin (male) = Flaxen Colored
91. LUCAS: Latin (male) = Light
92. LUCUS: Latin (male) = Light
93. LUKAS: Latin (male) = Light
94. MAJOR: Latin (male) = Better
95. MARTY: Latin (male) = Warlike
96. MAURO: Latin (male) = Of Brown Skin
97. MAXIM: Latin (male) = Greatest
98. ORSEN: Latin (male) = Derives from Orson
99. ORSIN: Latin (male) = Bear
100. ORSON: Latin (male) = A Bear
101. QUADE: Latin (male) = Fourth
102. REGIS: Latin (male) = Rules
103. ROMEO: Latin (male) = Of The Romans
104. RUFUS: Latin (male) = Redhead
105. SILAS: Latin (male) = Man of The Forest
106. TOMAS: Latin (male) = A Twin
107. VERNE: Latin (male) = Youthful
108. VINCE: Latin (male) = Victorious
109. ARDEN: Latin (unisex) = Thrilled and Excited
110. ARIES: Latin (unisex) = The Ram
111. AZURE: Latin (unisex) = Bluish Color
112. CAMEO: Latin (unisex) = Shadow Portrait
113. DANTE: Latin (unisex) = Lasting
114. JANUS: Latin (unisex) = God of Beginnings
115. KYRIE: Latin (unisex) = The Lord
116. MARCH: Latin (unisex) = Walk Forth
117. MARIN: Latin (unisex) = Of The Sea
118. MERIS: Latin (unisex) = Of The Sea
119. ORIEN: Latin (unisex) = The Orient, East
120. POPPY: Latin (unisex) = From The Flower
121. QUANT: Latin (unisex) = How Much
122. ROMAN: Latin (unisex) = Of Rome
123. RONNY: Latin (unisex) = TRUE Image
124. SANTA: Latin (unisex) = Saint
125. TERRY: Latin (unisex) = Derives from Terence
126. TOPAZ: Latin (unisex) = Golden Gem
127. URBAN: Latin (unisex) = From The City
128. VIRGO: Latin (unisex) = The Virgin



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